Enter the domain you wish to order an NS-server for:
NIC.UA name servers can be used both for the domains registered on our website and any other.
- Servers optimized for heavy loads
- Located on cloud hosts in the various countries
- Protected from DDoS-attacks
- At least three servers work in different data centres simultaneously
- Almost instant updates
- IPv6 support
To provide stable operation, we usually use nine cloud NS-servers located in different countries at any given time.
In a case of higher loads, the number of servers can progressively increase. Besides, you don’t need to adjust anything in your domain settings — everything happens automatically.
Name servers cost
- Free for domains serviced on NIC.UA
- $10 per year* for domains registered with other operators
*Payments are made in the national currency of Ukraine (UAH) by the exchange rate of the National Bank of Ukraine, all taxes included.