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SSL certificates

Guaranteed security for your customers


Free of charge

Basic certificate, no domain verification. Secures connection with the website of your domain.

Available with NIC.UA web hosting

Domain verification

1976.57 ₴/year

Verifies domain and secures connection with the website of your domain by the https protocol.

Subdomains protection

8786.19 ₴/year

Verifies the domain and secures connection of the websites of all subdomains, but doesn’t secure the domain itself.

Extended verification

10543.51 ₴/year

Extended verification of the domain name and the company.

Comparative table of the SSL-certificates

All certificates are subject to a refund within 30 days.

Free certificate Positive SSL Comodo SSL Wildcard Extended Validation
Price 0 ₴ 1,976.57 ₴ 3,514.23 ₴ 8,786.19 ₴ 10,543.51 ₴
Domain protection Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Subdomains protection Yes No No Yes No
Valid for 3 month 1-2 years 1-2 years 1-2 years 1-2 years
Encryption key length 128 bit 256 bit 128/256 bit 128/256 bit 128/256 bit
Green browser line No No No No Yes
Veryfication type No veryfication Domain verification Domain verification Domain verification Extended verification
Server license No license Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Warranty $10,000 $250,000 $10,000 $1,750,000
  Available with NIC.UA web-hosting

Do I need an SSL certificate?

SSL certificate is a must if you accept payments on your website or ask your customers to provide their personal data — username, password, address, and other information.

The main task of SSL is to transmit the confidential information on the internet in encrypted form so that only the recipient could read it. All the data you send over the network is transmitted from one computer to another until it finally reaches the destination server. Each of these computers on the route can see your credit card number, username, password and other personal data unless those are encrypted with an SSL certificate. This will protect you and your customers from cyber-attack and identity theft.