Domain .florist supports latin letters, it doesn’t support international symbols (cyryllic).

Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.

For more information on peculiarities of private registration of domain names see the regulations: Domain rules .FLORIST

Check domain in the .florist extension


Buy .florist domain

Enter the desired domain name into the form and place your order.
Also on this page you can:
  • Check .florist domain for availability - enter domain name in the form, click "Search" and the site will check if the domain is free;
  • How much a domain .florist costs - this page lists the prices for registering a domain .florist, its renewal and transfer.

Frequently Asked Questions About .florist

  • Where can I buy a .florist domain?
  • You should buy a domain in NIC.UA, we have a bonus program for clients, which will allow to register domains cheaper.
  • How much costs .florist?
  • The price of .florist domain depends on your accumulated discount.
  • How do I buy .florist at a lower price?
  • Join our affiliate program to increase your bonuses. These can be redeemed at the checkout.
    Transfer your .florist domain to us and earn a 15% discount permanently.

Sign in to know the prices including your personal discount.
Period Price Total Economy
1 year 2,275.95 ₴ 2,275.95 ₴
2 years 2,253.17 ₴ 4,506.33 ₴ 45.57 ₴
3 years 2,241.77 ₴ 6,725.32 ₴ 102.53 ₴
5 years 2,219.07 ₴ 11,095.36 ₴ 284.39 ₴
10 years 2,162.15 ₴ 21,621.52 ₴ 1,137.97 ₴

Purchase domains in other extensions

Features of the domain .FLORIST?

Top-level domain.
It was created in 2013.

Specialized domain area for anyone related to flowers. It can be growing and selling, transportation, arrangement of extraordinary bouquets and event spaces, landscaping, delivery, and information content describing all common and unusual varieties and types of flowers.

You may also be interested in .FLOWERS domain.

A domain can register all persons without exception, both private and legal. Domain without geographical reference will delight in all corners of the world.

Why should I choose a domain .FLORIST?

A domain will always help you stand out on the Internet and attract your target audience. If you are associated with the floral business and want to present yourself to your customers beautifully and profitably, then register a .FLOWERS domain as soon as possible. All floristry activities bring people joy, pleasure, beautiful fragrances, and mood. Celebrate yourself and make others happy with beautiful creations.

All actions with the domain are fully automated and go through domain name registrars.