Buy .PRO domain
Domain .pro supports latin letters, it doesn’t support international symbols (cyryllic).
Minimum number of symbols is 4, maximum number is 63.
For more information on peculiarities of private registration of domain names see the regulations: Domain rules .PROCheck domain in the .pro extension
Buy .pro domain
Also on this page you can:
- Check .pro domain for availability - enter domain name in the form, click "Search" and the site will check if the domain is free;
- How much a domain .pro costs - this page lists the prices for registering a domain .pro, its renewal and transfer.
Frequently Asked Questions About .pro
- Where can I buy a .pro domain?
- How much costs .pro?
- How do I buy .pro at a lower price?
Transfer your .pro domain to us and earn a 15% discount permanently.
Period | Price | Total | Economy |
1 year | 1,984.61 ₴ | 1,984.61 ₴ | — |
2 years | 1,964.96 ₴ | 3,929.91 ₴ | 39.32 ₴ |
3 years | 1,954.84 ₴ | 5,864.52 ₴ | 89.32 ₴ |
5 years | 1,934.96 ₴ | 9,674.78 ₴ | 248.29 ₴ |
10 years | 1,885.38 ₴ | 18,853.83 ₴ | 992.31 ₴ |
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Features of the domain .PRO
Top-level domain.
It was created in 2000, and open registration began in 2003.
Domain .PRO is an abbreviation for professional in English. Domain zone are created for professionals in any field. Individuals, organizations, and companies registering the domain make it clear to their target audience that they are certified and licensed professionals in their fields. Initially, the domain zone was open only for four specialties: doctors, lawyers, engineers, and accountants. Since November 16, 2015, registration of .PRO has been available to everyone.
The domain can be purchased by all persons, both individuals and legal entities, without exception. A professional domain is known worldwide, with no territorial affiliation.
Why should I choose domain .PRO?
The domain is suitable for almost any profession and industry. Photographers, hairdressers, all kinds of schools and training courses, large companies, lawyers, doctors, and coaches can register a domain. If you are a professional and want to share your experience with others, then the domain – .PRO is for your website. Users will distinguish you by this domain among others, understanding your competence documented. What is very useful for the promotion of your business.
All actions with the domain are fully automated and go through domain name registrars.