Domain .productions supports latin letters, it doesn’t support international symbols (cyryllic).
Minimum number of symbols is 3, maximum number is 63.
For more information on peculiarities of private registration of domain names see the regulations: Domain rules .PRODUCTIONSCheck domain in the .productions extension
Buy .productions domain
Also on this page you can:
- Check .productions domain for availability - enter domain name in the form, click "Search" and the site will check if the domain is free;
- How much a domain .productions costs - this page lists the prices for registering a domain .productions, its renewal and transfer.
Frequently Asked Questions About .productions
- Where can I buy a .productions domain?
- How much costs .productions?
- How do I buy .productions at a lower price?
Transfer your .productions domain to us and earn a 15% discount permanently.
Period | Price | Total | Economy |
1 year | 2,266.39 ₴ | 2,266.39 ₴ | — |
2 years | 2,243.70 ₴ | 4,487.39 ₴ | 45.38 ₴ |
3 years | 2,232.35 ₴ | 6,697.06 ₴ | 102.10 ₴ |
5 years | 2,209.75 ₴ | 11,048.74 ₴ | 283.19 ₴ |
10 years | 2,153.07 ₴ | 21,530.67 ₴ | 1,133.19 ₴ |
Purchase domains in other extensions
Top-level domain.
It was created in 2014.
The domain zone is for anyone who manufactures any products. Large companies and individuals can register this domain, showing their direction in producing something.
The domain can register all persons without exception, both private and legal. Domain without geographical reference.
Why should I choose a domain .PRODUCTIONS?
A suitable domain will successfully emphasize thematic Internet resources and directions. Registering your activity in the correct domain zone gives you some advantages: the influx of the target audience and the development of your business. The world produces everyday products and novelties, such as know-how. Take the chance to direct the flow of your customers in the right direction.
All actions with the domain are fully automated and go through domain name registrars.