Get iPhone 11!
Start of the New Year's contest from NIC.UA — get iPhone 11 under the Christmas tree! 🎉
So what to do?
♦️ follow NIC.UA on Instagram
♦️ make any order on our website (including free orders)
♦️ tell a story related to domains, websites, trademarks or answer the question “How did IT help my project?”
♦️ IT related stories have a higher chance of winning. Why — read below
♦️ share this story in your Instagram Stories or in a post
♦️ be sure to tag @nic_ua, otherwise we won’t see your stories
♦️ private accounts cannot participate in the event
🍾 Stories that are not related to the IT-sphere participate in the event once.
🍾 Associated with IT, but not with the services of NIC.UA participate in the event 2 times.
🍾 And stories about NIC.UA participate 3 times!
🎁 You can win free domains, certificates for our services and the main prize — iPhone 11 🎁
Every day we will repost your stories and store them in our highlights. All stories will be moderated — we will not accept offensive stories. Let's live in peace!
The event is held before January, 10, 2020. Winners will be selected randomly.